Research topics and projects
My broad research topics are data and graph mining. I have a long standing effort to work on dynamic graph models (e.g., link streams), to understand their properties (cliques mining) and apply them to several tasks such as recommender systems. A few years ago, I have started working on Graph Neural Networks, mostly in the context of recommender systems.
Besides that, I have been working on symbolic computer music for several years. We contribute to improving data mining on musical scores, aiming at providing better indexing/research, storage and analysis possibilities.
You will have a better idea of my works by looking at my publications, or feel free to ask me.
My research work is funded through several “projects”, detailed below.
There is a list of internship offers at the end of this page, with regular updates.
Ongoing research projects
Mining musical scores : MuNIR
MuNIR is a project aiming at offering a platform to index, search and analyse music scores. It aims at continuing the Neuma project, which was done by my colleague before I joined their team. It is now a partnership between the CNAM and researchers from McGill University.
DAPHNE is an ANR project centered on studying the careers of European scholars in Paris centuries ago. My team and I work on developping quality software to help extract and visualize prosopographic information.
Genèse du CEDRIC
With colleagues in the History departement, we start a project on the genesis of my computer science lab. The main objective is to understand how a young research field (computer science) was gradually accepted as a legit one. We have a digital humanities perspective, analysing first-hand archive documents and testimonies.
Past research projects
AMMICO (2013-2016)
I was involved in the AMMICO project during my 18-month post-doctoral contract with Univ. Paris 13 and Emmanuel Viennet’s team. The project aims at bringing museums, hardware builders and AI and Physics research labs to design new handheld devices for enhancing museum visits. The core idea is to propose geolocation-based recommendations of artworks.
More details on the AMMICO project.
Antipaedo project (2009-2014)
The Antipaedo project funded my Ph. D. research years. There were a French Research Agency project (MAPAP) and a EU commission project (MAPE) around this project, but our effort went beyond those two projects. The aim was to obtain knowledge on paedophile activity in P2P networks. Several methods were used (server side measurements, honeypots, etc.) but most of the project relied on keyword-based queries analysis.
More details can be found on the Antipaedo website.
Post-doctoral positions
There are currently no funded PhD to be filled in my team. However, I accept proposals by email, at fournier at
Past post-doctoral colleagues
- Denis Coquenet. Explicabilité des modèles transformers pour la vision et la recommandation. 2022-10-01 — 2023-08-31. Co-supervisors: Nicolas Thome (CNAM/CEDRIC) Clément Rambour (CNAM/CEDRIC).
- Victor David. Représentation de données prosopographiques par des graphes de connaissance. 2021-09-13 — 2021-09-12. Co-supervisor: Nicolas Travers (ESILV/CNAM).
- Pedro Ramaciotti-Morales. Diversité pour les Heterogeneous Information Networks. 2018-09-01 — 2019-08-31. Co-supervisor: Lionel Tabourier (LIP6/Sorbonne Université).
- Tiphaine Viard. Graphes dynamiques et systèmes de recommandation. 2016-09-01 — 2017-08-31. Co-supervisor: Matthieu Latapy (LIP6/Sorbonne Université).
Ph. D.
PhD proposals
Current Ph.D. students
- Tiange Zhu . Extraction de motifs et classification automatique de partitions musicales. 2021-02 — . Co-supervisor: Philippe Rigaux (CNAM/CEDRIC).
- Yannis Karmim . Graphes dynamiques pour les Graph Neural Networks et la recommandation. 2021-09 — . Co-supervisor: Nicolas Thome (CNAM/CEDRIC).
Past Ph.D. students
- Francesco Foscarin. Transcription musicale automatisée. 2017-10-04 — 2020-12-10. Co-supervisors: Philippe Rigaux (CNAM/CEDRIC) Florent Jacquemard (Inria/CNAM).
Past interns
- Floriane Béhanzin (M2, Université de Rouen). Graph Neural Networks et dynamique pour les systèmes de recommandation. 2021-03-01 — 2021-08-31.
- Chen Dang (M2, Université Paris Dauphine). Web Image Context Extraction. 2020-03-01 — 2020-08-31. Co-supervisors: Nicolas Audebert (CNAM/CEDRIC) Hicham Randrianarivo (Qwant).
- Mirwaisse Djanbaz (M2, Université Paris Orsay). Systèmes de recommandation et graphes dynamiques. 2019-03-01 — 2019-08-31. Co-supervisor: Tiphaine Viard (RIKEN AIP (Tokyo)).
- Fahde Karim (M2, Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne). Conception d’une plateforme d’analyse et de visualisation de données prosopographiques. 2016-03-01 — 2016-08-31.
- Guillaume Souveton (M2, Université de St-Etienne). Sélection de descripteurs pour la fouille de partitions musicales. 2016-03-01 — 2016-08-31. Co-supervisor: Philippe Rigaux (CNAM/CEDRIC).
- Berrenur Saylam (M2, ENS Lyon). Diversity indicators for recommenders systems with a graph approach. 2016-03-01 — 2016-08-31. Co-supervisor: Lionel Tabourier (LIP6/Sorbonne Université).
- Laure Fouard (M2, Université Paris VII). Évolution temporelle de l'utilisation de mots-clefs : analyse de traces P2P. 2011-04-01 — 2011-07-31. Co-supervisor: Matthieu Latapy (LIP6/Sorbonne Université).
Scientific community
Member of the PC for the following conferences:
- WSDM 2023 (ACM Intl Conf. on Web Search and Data Mining)
- TheWebConf (WWW2022)
- GEM - Graph Embedding and Mining @ ECML-PKDD (2020)
- MARAMI (2014)
- HaPoP-3 (2016)
Peer-review for:
- SNAM (2016)
- IJAIT (2015)
- Child Abuse & Neglect (2014)
- NetSciCom (2013)
- TRAC (2013)
- WWW (2012)
- RCIS (2014)