Publications, by year
Other lists of my publications
- Conference The Polifonia Research Ecosystem: an Executable Data Management Plan. Daga, E., Scharnhorst, A., Carvalho, J., McDermott, J., Fournier-S’niehotta, R., Daquino, M., … Bernardinis, J. D. (2024). In Workflows: Digital Methods for Reproducible Research Practices in the Arts and Humanities.
- Conference FACETS: A Tool for Improved Exploration of Large Symbolic Music Collections. Zhu, T., Fournier-S’Niehotta, R. L., & Rigaux, P. (2024). In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Digital Libraries for Musicology (pp. 63–67). Association for Computing Machinery : New York, NY, USA. DOI: 10.1145/3660570.3660578.
- Journal ITEM: Improving Training and Evaluation of Message-Passing based GNNs for top-k recommendation. Karmim, Y., Ramzi, E., Fournier-S’niehotta, R., & THOME, N. (2024). Transactions on Machine Learning Research. Retrieved from
- Conference Temporal receptive field in dynamic graph learning: A comprehensive analysis. Karmim, Y., Yang, L., S’Niehotta, R. F., Chatelain, C., Adam, S., & Thome, N. (2024). In 21st International Workshop on Mining and Learning with Graphs @ ECML-PKDD . DOI: 10.48550/ARXIV.2407.12370.
- else Modéliser avec des graphes, pour l’informatique musicale et les systèmes de recommandation (Habilitation à diriger des recherches). Fournier-S’niehotta, R. (2024). CNAM Paris.
- Conference NeoMaPy: A Framework for Computing MAP Inference on Temporal Knowledge Graphs. David, V., Fournier-S’niehotta, R., & Travers, N. (2023). In IJCAI, International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (pp. 7123–7126). : Macao, SAR, China. DOI: 10.24963/ijcai.2023/831.
- Conference NeoMaPy: A Parametric Framework for Reasoning with MAP Inference on Temporal Markov Logic Networks. David, V., Fournier-S’niehotta, R., & Travers, N. (2023). In ACM International Conference on Information & Knowledge Management (CIKM). ACM : Birmingham, UK.
- Conference Documenting the research process. Opportunities and challenges for Bibliometrics and IR. Daga, E., Daquino, M., Fournier-S’niehotta, R., Guillotel-Nothmann, C., & Scharnhorst, A. (2023). In I. Frommholz, P. Mayr, G. Cabanac, S. Verberne, & J. Brennan (Eds.), Proceedings of the 13th International Workshop on Bibliometric-enhanced Information Retrieval co-located with 45th European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR 2023), Dublin, Ireland, April 2nd, 2023 (Vol. 3617, pp. 4–20). Retrieved from
- Conference A Novel Local Alignment-Based Approach to Motif Extraction in Polyphonic Music. Zhu, T., Diamond, D., McDermott, J., Fournier-S’niehotta, R., Daquin, M., & Rigaux, P. (2023). In International Symposium on Computer Music Multidisciplinary Research.
- Journal A Framework for Content-Based Search in Large Music Collections. Zhu, T., Fournier-S’niehotta, R., Rigaux, P., & Travers, N. (2022). Big Data and Cognitive Computing, 6(1). DOI: 10.3390/bdcc6010023.
- Conference Facets: A Tool For Management And Navigation Of Symbolic Music Collections. Zhu, T., Fournier-S’niehotta, R., & Rigaux, P. (2022). In 23th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference, ISMIR 2019 (Late-breaking Demo). Retrieved from Status: accepted.
- Conference Parameterisation of Reasoning on Temporal Markov Logic Networks. David, V., Fournier-S’niehotta, R., & Travers, N. (2022). arXiv. DOI: 10.48550/ARXIV.2211.16414.
- Conference PKSpell: Data-Driven Pitch Spelling and Key Signature Estimation. Foscarin, F., Audebert, N., & Fournier-S’niehotta, R. (2021). In International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR). Online, India. Retrieved from
- Conference Web Image Context Extraction with Graph Neural Networks and Sentence Embeddings on the DOM tree. Dang, C., Randrianarivo, H., Fournier-S’niehotta, R., & Audebert, N. (2021). In GEM @ ECML-PKDD 21. Retrieved from Status: accepted.
- Journal Measuring diversity in heterogeneous information networks. Ramaciotti Morales, P., Lamarche-Perrin, R., Fournier-S’niehotta, R., Poulain, R., Tabourier, L., & Tarissan, F. (2021). Theoretical Computer Science, 859, 80–115. DOI:
- Conference Testing the Impact of Semantics and Structure on Recommendation Accuracy and Diversity. Ramaciotti-Morales, P., Tabourier, L., & Fournier-S’niehotta, R. (2020). In IEEE/ACM International Conference on Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM 2020). Retrieved from myday/doc/ASONAM2020/ASONAM2020_Proceedings/pdf/index.html. Status: accepted.
- Journal Augmenting content-based rating prediction with link stream features. Viard, T., & Fournier-S’niehotta, R. (2019). Computer Networks, 150, 127–133. DOI:
- Conference Encoding temporal and structural information in machine learning models for recommandation. Viard, T., & Fournier-S’niehotta, R. (2019). In LEG @ ECML-PKDD 19. Retrieved from Status: accepted.
- Conference A diff procedure for XML music score files. Foscarin, F., Fournier-S’niehotta, R., & Jacquemard, F. (2019). In 6th International Conference on Digital Libraries for Musicology (DLfM 2019). Retrieved from Status: accepted.
- Conference Computation and visualization of differences between two XML music score files. Foscarin, F., Fournier-S’niehotta, R., & Jacquemard, F. (2019). In 20th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference, ISMIR 2019 (Late-breaking Demo). Retrieved from Status: accepted.
- Conference Discovering Patterns of Interest in IP Traffic Using Cliques in Bipartite Link Streams. Viard, T., Fournier-S’niehotta, R., Magnien, C., & Latapy, M. (2018). In (CompleNet’18) International Workshop on Complex Networks. DOI:
- Book Informatique. Delacroix, J., Barthélémy, F., Fournier-S’niehotta, R., Gil-Michalon, I., Lambert, A., Plateau, A., … Waymel, E. (2017) (1e ed.). Paris : Dunod. Retrieved from
- Journal Modeling Music as Synchronized Time Series: Application to Music Score Collections. Fournier-S’niehotta, R., Rigaux, P., & Travers, N. (2017). (IS’18) Information Systems, 1–36. DOI: 10.1016/
- Conference Analysis of the temporal and structural features of threads in a mailing-list. Gaumont, N., Viard, T., Fournier-S’niehotta, R., Wang, Q., & Latapy, M. (2016). In Complex Networks VII - Proceedings of the 7th Workshop on Complex Networks CompleNet 2016, Dijon, France, March 23-25, 2016. DOI:
- Conference Is There a Data Model in Music Notation? Fournier-S’niehotta, R., Rigaux, P., & Travers, N. (2016). In R. Hoadley, C. Nash, & D. Fober (Eds.), Proceedings of the International Conference on Technologies for Music Notation and Representation – TENOR’16 (pp. 85–91). Anglia Ruskin University : Cambridge, UK. Retrieved from
- Conference Vers un Traitement Algébrique de la Notation Musicale. Fournier-S’niehotta, R., Rigaux, P., & Travers, N. (2016). In (JIM’16) Journées d’Informatique Musicale (Vol. 23, pp. 1–9). Albi, France. Retrieved from
- Conference A Digital Score Library Based on MEI. Fournier-S’niehotta, R., Rigaux, P., & Travers, N. (2016). In (MEC’16) Music Encoding Conference (pp. 1–4). Montréal, Canada.
- Conference Querying Music Notation. Fournier-S’niehotta, R., Rigaux, P., & Travers, N. (2016). In C. E. Dyreson, M. R. Hansen, & L. Hunsberger (Eds.), 23rd International Symposium on Temporal Representation and Reasoning, TIME 2016, Kongens Lyngby, Denmark, October 17-19, 2016 (pp. 51–59). IEEE. DOI: 10.1109/TIME.2016.13.
- Conference Querying XML Score Databases: XQuery is not Enough! Fournier-S’niehotta, R., Rigaux, P., & Travers, N. (2016). In M. I. Mandel, J. Devaney, D. Turnbull, & G. Tzanetakis (Eds.), Proceedings of the 17th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference, ISMIR 2016, New York City, United States, August 7-11, 2016 (pp. 723–729). Retrieved from
- Journal Temporal Patterns of Pedophile Activity in a P2P Network: First Insights about User Profiles from Big Data. Fournier-S’niehotta, R., & Latapy, M. (2015). International Journal of Internet Science, 10(1), 8–19. Retrieved from
- Journal Comparing paedophile activity in different P2P systems. Fournier-S’niehotta, R., Cholez, T., Latapy, M., Chrisment, I., Magnien, C., Daniloff, I., & Festor, O. (2014). Social Sciences, 3(3). DOI: 10.3390/socsci3030314.
- Conference AMMICO : recommandation sociale pour la visite de musée. Fournier-S’niehotta, R., & Viennet, E. (2014). In Apprentissage Artificiel et Fouille de Données, AAFD 2014, Université Paris 13, Institut Galilée, Villetaneuse, France, 29-30 avril 2014.
- Conference Mining bipartite graphs to improve semantic paedophile activity detection. Fournier-S’niehotta, R., & Danisch, M. (2014). In IEEE 8th International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science, RCIS 2014, Marrakech, Morocco, May 28-30, 2014 (pp. 1–4). DOI: 10.1109/RCIS.2014.6861035.
- Journal A Social Formalism and Survey for Recommender Systems. Bernardes, D., Diaby, M., Fournier-S’niehotta, R., Fogelman-Soulié, F., & Viennet, E. (2014). SIGKDD Explorations, 16(2), 20–37. DOI: 10.1145/2783702.2783705.
- Journal Quantifying paedophile activity in a large P2P system. Latapy, M., Magnien, C., & Fournier-S’niehotta, R. (2013). Information Processing and Management, 49(1), 248–263. DOI: 10.1016/j.ipm.2012.02.008.
- Ph. D. dissertation Détection et analyse d’une thématique rare dans de grands ensembles de requêtes : l’activité pédophile dans le P2P. PhD thesis. Fournier-S’niehotta, R. (2012). UPMC. Retrieved from
- Conference Quantifying paedophile queries in a large P2P system. Latapy, M., Magnien, C., & Fournier-S’niehotta, R. (2011). In INFOCOM 2011. 30th IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications, Joint Conference of the IEEE Computer and Communications Societies, 10-15 April 2011, Shanghai, China (pp. 401–405). IEEE. DOI: 10.1109/INFCOM.2011.5935191.